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Married, April 23rd, 2022 – Johannesburg, South Africa

Joshua & Shyloe Ajayi

“I Do”

The Wedding

“A Romantic Garden”

The Bride

Shyloe M Ajayi

The “Cheerlead-a Fashionista” who found her smooth dude in DC. Shyloe graced the stage of Joshua’s life during their college days. She shined with her beauty, passion, creativity and an earnest fortitude for God, tried and tested. Even after traveling continents apart (and being “friend-zoned”), he couldn’t stop looking her way.

The Groom

Joshua D Ajayi

The “Nerd with Words” who found his shooting star in DC. Joshua caught Shyloe’s eye at church during their time at Howard University and won her over through friendship, intellect, creativity, and a steady passion for God. Even after traveling many cities as a missionary for God, she couldn’t stop spying his way.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 – God, Josh & Shyloe

“Three Chords are not easily broken”